I'm just odd, overly sarcastic at times, internally optimistic, constantly intrigued, a believer, prefer few over many, hopeless romantic, but a dreamer all-throughout...from the books I read, to the clothes I wear, to the places I’ve travelled, to the movies I watch, to the music I listen to, to the men I’ve loved...this is my world, take a seat, relax and

just live in it...just feel me!

"Passion make the world go around. Love makes it a safer place." -Ice T



I am in no way ashamed of how I feeling. But here I go again yakking about wanting to see my honey. That's just how I regardhim because really he is a honey.
My friend who for no other reason than she wants to peeve me off say: This is hands down the best advice you'll ever hear. Write it on your wall right now. In fact, tattoo it on the inside of your eyelids: “FORGET ABOUT HIM.”
As if. I only take suggestion from sane people. She's nuts!
People generally suck. And their next reincarnation is no different. He'll probably be a Nun in the next life. Why would anybody resist fun and enjoyment so that some we waste precious present to become born into future a good life? Just because we have the same soul doesn’t necessarily make us friends. He can earn his own god damn karma point. I'm going to do what I want in life. “What else am I going to do? Sit and wait for him? Yes. But just until Spring rolls around. It’s so annoying, I hate it. So I’m going to call him sometime very soon (today). I am all for people wanting to do what makes them happy. I hate when people who are give advice when it’s not there situation, but incapable of managing their own life. I wonder if karma can reach rock bottom. If it ever gets to the point where you can't get docked any more negative points. Like negative fifty thousand karma points and thud, Nirvana gives up on you. Buddha is like, "You're banned from the Akashi Dance Hall. Why? It's cosmological plane and simple. Now go-tama fuck yourself." That's when you can do anything and not care. Not like you ever cared, but there might have been a flicker of benevolence. And it'd be sweet to hear someone as noble as Buddha making silly puns. Sometimes when bad things happen to me, I wish I could meet my soul's previous incarnate. The ones who lived before me. I wanna meet him and be like, "What the fuck did you do to make me deserve this passion? That makes me more pissed. There's only one thing I've ever done to purposely get positive karma. And I'm very proud. Today I’ll be even prouder if I could just call and say:”hey you know what? I think I should come and see you so I can wrap my arms around you and never let you go.Ever! What are the chance...