I'm just odd, overly sarcastic at times, internally optimistic, constantly intrigued, a believer, prefer few over many, hopeless romantic, but a dreamer all-throughout...from the books I read, to the clothes I wear, to the places I’ve travelled, to the movies I watch, to the music I listen to, to the men I’ve loved...this is my world, take a seat, relax and

just live in it...just feel me!

"Passion make the world go around. Love makes it a safer place." -Ice T


Guys are not only overrated, but they're way overqualified for the job.
A dead skelton works fine. Why waste resources? But I'm optomistic that the perfect guy will come along so I'm waiting. Im the mean time I would love to bone my EX...Wait I think its the other way around. I'd like my EX to bone me. All this studying is reaking havoc on my libdo. Does anybody else have this problem....

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