I am in no way ashamed of how I feeling. But here I go again yakking about wanting to see my honey. That's just how I regardhim because really he is a honey.
My friend who for no other reason than she wants to peeve me off say: This is hands down the best advice you'll ever hear. Write it on your wall right now. In fact, tattoo it on the inside of your eyelids: “FORGET ABOUT HIM.” 2/27/2010
I like to think that I'm a pretty reasonable woman, but sometimes I can get carried away. In the case of what I am about to say, I've taken a couple hours at the gym today and the corresponding shower time to attempt to exhaust the anger out of me. But that didn't work, so here goes. I attend University of Buckingham. Buckingham is the name of the street where I live. I’m taking all my soft courses long distant because I thought this would somehow keep me connected and current. It's not a bad school, but it's not Harvard or Stanford or Richmond. Despite being in Newfoundland, this school bills itself as a fine university.
I get an awful pain in my gut whenever someone says the word "reality." The real bad ones will cock their head to the side and squint like they're deep in thought. "Reality," or whatever word you want to use to define this unfortunate ability to perceive the world, is bad enough without hearing people try to articulate it. Reality is dirt and everyone knows it. That's why ranting is so stupid. Why pick out individual things to hate when you could say, "I hate everything?"
P eople that try to sound smart by forcing words and concepts into their vocabulary that wouldn't otherwise be there. Everyone will come across someone like this at some point in their lives. A lot of men are guilty of this, and don't even get me started about the. Men do it because they think women will stereotype them as stupid if they don't talk about politics, sports or some other such boring topic that nobody really gives a damn about (and let's face it, most men are dumb; boo! hsss! Yeah, yeah,
Masturbating around people is fun, but it can have an overall negative influence on your personality. For example, you go to a movie and you're all alone in the back row. You begin stroking yourself, and all of a sudden a terrifying wave of paranoia rushes over you. Frantically looking around, you pay attention to every little thing people movement because you're worried they might catch on to your horrible agenda.A girl in the row in front "Look at that flower," to her girlfriend. You hear that and think, "Flower? Pedal? Hole? Moist? Wet?
This year my former boyfriend and I (but mostly him) came to this great fucking conclusion all by himself: that we should cease seeing each other. That’s like waking up after fuckfest weekend, finding out that for months you've been sleeping with the enemy, and now you have Gonorrhea, Herpes, AIDS, Crabs, Trichomoniasis Chlamydia, and Scabies. Who writes a fucking email to breakup with a girl?
Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today is the word fuck. Out of all the English words that begin with the letter "f." Fuck is the only word that is referred to as the "f"word . It's the one magical word just by it's sound can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love fuck, as most words in the English language, is derived form German the word "fleckin" which means to strike in English fuck falls into many grammatical categories as a transitive verb for instance "David fucked Claudette." As an
I'm Not A Racist But..
Every time I hear someone say the phrase "I'm not racist, but..." it's followed by something extremely racist and/or bigoted. Why do people say this? To cover their ass and make it look like they're not the budding neo-nazis that they really are? They say it as if they're so enlightened and open-minded that it's impossible for them to say anything offensive to anyone. It's almost as if they think it doesn't matter how racist they really are, they're off the hook if they prefix every prejudiced and ignorant remark with "I'm not racist."
Y esterday I saw my ex lover for the first time in a month. As if getting dumped by my ex wasn't bad enough, now I find myself in the position where I have to deal with the fact that someone new has somewhat entered my life, but is this what I really want?
As far I’m concerned this is probably about as bad as it gets for me, because I still harbor some very strong emotional feelings for him, and I am struggling with these emotions. One of the hardest things to accept from an emotional standpoint is the fact that the relationship is truly over once I hook up with someone else. It's that sense of finality that is sending me into an emotional tailspin. Sometimes I ask myself is the
As far I’m concerned this is probably about as bad as it gets for me, because I still harbor some very strong emotional feelings for him, and I am struggling with these emotions. One of the hardest things to accept from an emotional standpoint is the fact that the relationship is truly over once I hook up with someone else. It's that sense of finality that is sending me into an emotional tailspin. Sometimes I ask myself is the
It's hard to say today why I feel this way but "they" (I'm not sure who they are)say, If you love some...don't be sush a wus tell them...because heart are broken by words left unspoken.
The other day I was doing my weekly grocery shopping, and this guy was following me around the isle. At first glance I thought "uhmm... not bad looking" but when I did the head to toe scan my mind said nay. I bet some may oppose my opinion on this, but I hope that there are ladies out there who are not hypocrites to admit that all things being equal, they would rather choose the athletic type over the big fat guy. I’m slender, but not the Nicole Richie anorexic type, and never in my wildest dream will I date a fat man. Here’s why:
People who point out their puns are like comedians who explain their jokes: they both think you're too stupid to get it. The only good thing about the phrase "pun intended" is that it saves you time when you want to say "hello, I'm going to be at the bag convention this weekend, please be sure to stop by and say 'hi.' I'll be at the douche exhibit." Here's the deal: when you point out your puns, you're making a value judgment on me, the reader.
Phrases That Make Me Gag And My Nose Bleed
E ver hear someone quote some hackneyed proverb or some stupid expression they read on a greeting card somewhere, which causes you to think: "man, what a stupid jackass, I would love nothing more than to crack open that peanut shell on top your head to see what really goes on inside that head"? Sure, we all have. These are a collection of some of the phrases that piss me off most.
E veryone knows how much it sucks to go to work hung over. Bosses should be aware of this condition and compensate their employees. I propose a law that says all employers are required to pay salary and a half to all employees who come to work hung over.
An oxymoron is a figure of speech whose words are seemingly contradictory. The word "oxymoron" takes its roots for the Greek words oxy meaning "sharp" and morons meaning "dull", so the word "oxymoron" is itself an oxymoron. The English language is rife with oxymoron’s and songwriters seem to have a fond relationship with them based on the amount you'll find hidden in popular music.
Sandy sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain.but together we have always endured much of the strain.We've argued and bickered and made each other mad.but if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad. We've cried till we laughed and laughed till we cried. Sometimes for no reason we didn't even know why,When we're not together our bond is just as strong, because we are sisters we know when something is wrong, we've whispered our deepest secrets only sisters would dare share.I love my sister dearly because she really cares.So whether we are together or we are far apart, Sandy, you're my sister, my friend and forever in heart!
My lovely sister is such a great gal except she wants what she wants, when she wants, so as you may have noticed by now she wanted to be a princess and lo' and behold there she is looking like a princess in a sea of white fluff, except I just don't see the angel wings. She is my joy that cannot be taken away from me, for once she entered my life, and she was there to stay.
He Loves Me He, He Loves Me Not? He loves me...
I've had a handful of relationships, good and bad. But the one thing that always pops up in my head is "How can I tell if he loves me? Does he really love me? Does he feel the same way I feel about him?", but it is not an easy question to answer. I am sure these questions are obvious when you are trying to figure out whether a guy loves you or not.
Some wonder, "Why do we keep celebrating Black History Month?" It is because Black History Month is a very special time of year. Granted, we do not become less black on March 1st. And we take pride in our heritage all year long. But by setting aside this month, we set our heritage apart. We take it from the pages of history books and bring it to life. We take the time to remember, to reunite, and to rededicate ourselves to our history. And what a glorious history it is!
E ven if you're not a genius, which I am not you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to harness the power of your creative mind and better manages your future." The following are strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively, in order to arrive at solutions to problems. "These strategies are common to the thinking styles of creative geniuses in science, art, and industry throughout history.
I am an independent person. I base my preferences upon what I truly like, as opposed to what is "trendy" or popular by the seething masses. For example: I like high heels and stockings even though many might see that as odd…who wears stockings and garter anymore - unless you are a exotic dancer. I like the natural scent of a man. I love heavy fabrics even though having "open, airy rooms" is in vogue right now. I like different types of men. For example: I am attracted to European men mostly because I love accents, and because most of the time they are eager to please you. I love the fact that they are most often very sexy and they speak my language of love. I love a rugged man that is in great physical shape; muscular or lanky. I love brainy men who can take me from one height to another level.
BLACK LEADERS:Acient and Modern
Jackie Robinson is a hall of famer Brooklyn Dodger who in 1947 broke baseball's "color barrier," becoming the first African American in the major league baseball. He played for the Dodgers from 1947 to 1956. His impact on the game was legendary, and he was chosen for his cool intelligence and high level of skill. He was also a pioneer in the nation's civil rights movement and exemplified the utmost courage, determination, character and competitiveness.
On March 2, 2005, Robinson was recognized posthumously with the Congressional Gold Medal by President George W. Bush.
On March 2, 2005, Robinson was recognized posthumously with the Congressional Gold Medal by President George W. Bush.
I t is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing for this in their own ways, realizing that it is time to awaken to our origins and our potential to take responsibility for ourselves and for the Earth. We believe that Twin Flames (Twin Souls) have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When Twin Flames join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be seen as a light in the darkness of society’s consciousness. In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level.
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