I'm just odd, overly sarcastic at times, internally optimistic, constantly intrigued, a believer, prefer few over many, hopeless romantic, but a dreamer all-throughout...from the books I read, to the clothes I wear, to the places I’ve travelled, to the movies I watch, to the music I listen to, to the men I’ve loved...this is my world, take a seat, relax and

just live in it...just feel me!

"Passion make the world go around. Love makes it a safer place." -Ice T



Y esterday I saw my ex lover for the first time in a month. As if getting dumped by my ex wasn't bad enough, now I find myself in the position where I have to deal with the fact that someone new has somewhat entered my life, but is this what I really want?

As far I’m concerned this is probably about as bad as it gets for me, because I still harbor some very strong emotional feelings for him, and I am struggling with these emotions. One of the hardest things to accept from an emotional standpoint is the fact that the relationship is truly over once I hook up with someone else. It's that sense of finality that is sending me into an emotional tailspin. Sometimes I ask myself is the
relationship really unsalvageable?
I try to look on the positive side, none of us really know what the future holds, and that this new relationship could end as soon as it has begun. I am a very patient type, but if there is no hope of us ever getting back together, I would like him to look me straight in the eyes and tell me so. I am extremely emotional person when I love someone. I want us both to act appropriately while believing this is possible, and do everything in my power to make it happen. The only thing that I see could really blow it for both of us is one simple word: Conflict. Actually, any sort of negative interaction with my ex I feel will cause irreparable damage.
I’ve done a fantastic job of controlling my emotions after a break-up as it has been extremely difficult. But I applaud myself for keeping a tight lid on my emotions. How badly do you want to get back together with your soul-mate? It all comes down to the fact that I’m not going to change what has happened. However there comes a time when another person is coming into your life and things seem to be working out beautifully well, till you realize you are moving away to the point of no return. But really am I if I’m still thinking dreaming about making love to my ex. He and I both have to get each other back, and we both have the power in your hands to do that. I try to remember those days when my ex said all the good things about me and what he liked or disliked about you. He’s a fairly serious man and the things he said were said not just as casual observations but they were spontaneous precious little disclosures that I did not know about myself. I try to recollect those days, because they were the best days on my life with him. No human being is perfect, and if I am committed to getting my ex back, I am going to try to see if I can change some of things about me that could mean a lot to him but also the world outside him. Most of time I think of him it’s in positive light, and it makes me smile inside. I want my words to reach him in a way it has never done before. I realize if I want that lovely man back it is I who will have to take the first step. However I never ever want to give feeling that I am devastated without my ex; rather I’d like him to know that I can be on my own and have the ability to manage your show very well without anyone being in charge. I’ve given myself permission to want him back in my life. But I also realize there is hardly ever the need to go begging for forgiveness to my ex. The last time I saw him I left in the heat of the moment, the storm calmed down, life for me as returned back to normal and I’ve had all the time in the world to think. Indeed there are certain things that I want my ex to change, and I most certainly will let him know about my feelings. I strongly believe reciprocal changes can be effective thus creating a lasting relationship for us both. It is not one way traffic. Intimate trust mutual respect and confidence are going to be the basis for us to build upon, in order for us to become strongly bonded again. At some point I will communicate my feelings towards him because I simply do not want to throw this away. Is there a doctor in the house because I'm feeling a little love sick?

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