When you love someone so deeply what would you do? lasso the moon, or capture a falling star to light up their life. When you love someone so passionately what would you do, swim the depths of the ocean just to capture a fallen tear.
When you love someone freely, who will you become: will you be my superman, never to live in fear of krypton taking away your super powers? When you love someone with all that you are, and you fear more than anything losing the love that consumes your every thought, what do we become when we love someone so deeply, that we find it difficult just to breath without them; when you love someone so passionately, love does not come without sacrifice, when you love someone, you fear losing yourself but it's not as though you really do, you just become greater within each other. Who will you become when you have found that someone who awakens you in the midst of a dream because they have touched your soul and you could actually feel their presence, and you reach out to hold them and there not there, I know who I will become as two souls love endlessly, even though you are two body's, you become one soul, one heart and the greatest of love completes you within, I will be the one who truly loves you so change willingly and have the courage to accept virtue.