Guess what I am doing at the moment, come on it’s not that difficult. Oh come on guess. It’s in the title for Pete’s sake. Fine then if you aren’t going to guess then I have to tell you. I am studying, otherwise known as the most boring activity this side of the Galaxy unless there exists a planet on our side of the galaxy where a commonly engaged activity is to repeat the word boredom to oneself for 8 hours straight. So I’m studying you ask, what’s the big deal we all had to do it when we were at school, that or you are still at school. The point is that studying sucks, not in particular that it sucks for me. I believe that if you are being asked to learn things which require you to go over it every few months to remember it then clearly you are not cut out for that particular area of study and should be removed from it immediately. That or your teacher sucks.
For the former, I think you should just drop that subject on the spot. Because if the subject holds so little of your interest then, clearly you are not going to go into any field that requires it. But you scream in protest “Einstein failed high school mathematics and look at what he did.” To which I reply AHA. In my opinion if Einstein did poorly in maths at school it probably had something to do with him having a rather unimaginative teacher which didn’t grasp Einstein’s interest in mathematics and all it’s other cousins in the Scientific world. So when Einstein re-examined this stuff in his own time and found he liked it, well then he became good at it very quickly and several years later due to contributions on his part Japan had TWO less cities to manage. So putting aside that maybe having an unimaginative and dull teacher was the universe trying to steer Einstein away from indirectly destroying two cities we can see that if you are good at something then you will probably find interest in it at some point.
Take me as a second example, until about the seventh grade I found English interesting but due to a large quantity of uninspired teachers I lacked understanding in portions of the critical field of punctuation and still to a degree today. But it does not hinder my feeble attempts at writing.
But returning to the topic at hand. Imagine how much happier a place academic institutions would be if lets say you could drop Math in favour of something you enjoyed. Sure we partially get choice in grade 10 but we are still stuck with a few subjects that some of us would rather not do. Computers Science should be made optional is what I’m getting to. Anyway I am going to crawl back to my books and continue studying now...